If you enjoy going out to bars and getting a little buzzed (or more than a little buzzed), you might want to get the patch I just found in the Beer Patches category. It is the I Don't Get Drunk I Get Awesome patch. It's pretty funny, especially if you're known to be one of those drunk people who throw themselves at others or like to make a scene when you've indulged in too much. It might also help with the ladies. Some try to avoid obnoxious drunk guys, but once they see this patch, they'll know you won't be one of those. You'll just keep getting more and more awesome with every drink.
This patch is a good one to put on the front of a vest or jacket. Be sure it's somewhere easily seen since most of the people reading it will probably be a little drunk themselves. In fact, be ready for some slurred readings. I expect to hear a few people take three or four tries to say the whole thing correctly!
Like all the patches offered on The Cheap Place, the I Don't Get Drunk patch is embroidered and can be attached to clothing in several ways. You can sew it on, but you can also iron it on using the special plastic backing that activates when heated. Just don't try ironing it on to anything leather. You'll just end up with a ruined leather jacket or vest. Sew it on leather instead. Just be sure to always drink responsibly when you're drunk, er, when you're awesome!