This Patch Lists the Two Enemies Guns Have

Guns have two enemies patchGuns and gun control have been in the news a lot lately, and it seems like everyone has an opinion on them.  People are either for or against guns, very few are in the middle or don't have an opinion.  The Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms, so those who are trying to take away our weapons believe they may know more than the Founding Fathers.  This Guns Have Two Enemies Patch points out that guns seem to have two major enemies: rust and liberals who want to get rid of all guns.

You'll find this patch in the Political Patches section.  It's obviously aimed at conservatives, but some liberals who believe in gun owner rights might want to wear it, too.  'Guns have two enemies rust and liberals'.  Rust is sure to destroy a gun over time, especially if you don't oil and clean it.  Liberals, though, are a little more insidious about it.  They'll say they want to protect the innocent, like children and the elderly, but their ultimate goal goes a little further than that.  Slowly, they'll restrict guns, remove model after model from the market, and in the end, guns will be illegal or so difficult to get that they might as well be.  And then how will we be able to protect ourselves?  Because criminals who want guns will find some way of getting them, even if they have to make their own crude versions.

This patch measures four inches long by one and a half inches wide.  The text is embroidered in white on a black background, and the patch features matching black borders, too.  It can be sewn on with black thread or ironed on using a hot iron.

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