This Rocker Patch is for Gulf War Vets

Gulf War Vet RockerVeterans of any battle or war deserve our respect, and even though it was very recent, those who served in the Gulf War are no less deserving.  Gulf War Vets put their lives on the line, left their families behind, and even after the war, many have suffered from post-traumatic stress syndrome.  If you served in this conflict, you may want to add this Gulf War Patch - Small Arm Rocker for Vets to the sleeve of your jacket.  You'll find it in the Rocker Patches category on The Cheap Place.

The Gulf War took place between 1990 and 1991.  It began when Iraq invaded and took control of the neighboring country of Kuwait.  A coalition of 34 different countries came to Kuwait's aid, with many forces coming from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, the U.K., and Egypt.  The first strike began with aerial bombardments in early January of 1991, followed by ground forces engaging the Iraqi forces on February 23.  Victory came rather quickly for the coalition, with Kuwait being declared free on February 28, 1991.

This little rocker patch measures 3.75 by 1.5 inches and it curved to sit nicely on the shoulder of your jacket sleeve.  You can also put it on the front of a jacket or vest, or you could even add it to a pair of old pants to give them a new look.  This patch is done in the military colors of dark green and white.  It has a thick die cut border that makes it easy to sew it on to leather clothing.  Of course, if you want to put it on other clothes, you can iron it on.

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