Wear an Orange Ribbon for Leukemia and MS

Orange Ribbon PatchThere are many different ribbon patches and pins out there that people wear to raise awareness of different illnesses and diseases.  Everyone knows that the pink ribbon stands for breast cancer awareness, but some of the other colors are not as well known.  The orange ribbon, for example, stands for a number of different illnesses, but it is most often used for leukemia and multiple scoliosis.  The color has also been used for lupus awareness events and, before pink became the main color, for cancer awareness, too.

If you've battled leukemia or MS or know someone who is, you will certainly want to show your support and solidarity.  These ribbons can also help make other people aware of the illnesses.  They may see your Orange Ribbon Patch and ask you what it means.  You can then tell them about the illnesses and what they can do to help find a cure for them.

In addition to being used for the above illnesses and diseases, an orange ribbon has a few other meanings in the United States.  It's also used as a symbol of awareness of self-harm.  It is worn by many people on March 1, Self-Injury Awareness Day.  This day was set aside in 2012 as a day when people were encouraged to talk openly about self-injury, cutting, and even suicide so that others could be more aware of this issue and how to get help for it.  The orange ribbon has also been used as the Animal Guardian Ribbon, a ribbon worn to raise awareness of at-risk animals.

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