What is a Triker?

Triker PatchOf course, everyone knows what a biker is, but the term triker may be confusing.  A triker is someone who rides a trike, a motorized tricycle.  Of course, the word 'tricycle' immediately brings up images of a little kid riding a three-wheeled vehicle.  There are two types of trikes.  The standard type is called a delta trike: there's one wheel in the front that looks like a motorcycle (including handlebars on top), while the back side has two wheels.  Then there's the reverse trike or tadpole trike.  It looks less like a motorcycle because the two wheels are on the front and the single wheel is on the back.  Tadpoles are actually more stable when braking, while the delta trikes usually handle a little better.

Who would want to ride a trike?  They're actually somewhat popular, even though you may not see a huge number of them on the road.  Some people just love how they look or like the larger size, a trike is typically large enough for two people to ride fairly comfortably.  They also often have a little more storage room.  Those who find it difficult to balance a motorcycle might also like a trike because there's no need to balance the vehicle.  They also don't seem to be quite as risky to ride, although an accident involving a trike can be just a bad as one involving a motorcycle.

Are you a triker?  If you are, you might be disappointed that there aren't a huge number of triker patches out there.  But there are some.  One popular one is the small Triker Patch in white and orange.

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