If you look on the second page of the Saying Patches at The Cheap Place, you'll find the Legalize Freedom patch. When it first caught my eye I thought it was kind of funny. But after thinking about for a minute it sort of got my ire up. In fact, I began to wonder why a patch like this was even necessary. Legalize freedom? Yeah right!
Sadly, this really is no joke. This patch describes just how far we've fallen since the American Revolution. Back then, Americans had the freedom to live by their own rules so long as their actions did not negatively affect other people. Now it seems as though we can barely blow are noses without government approval. In other places it's worse.
As an example, if you're a Hells Angels member here in the States you're pretty much left alone if you abide by the law. But in Germany, there is a concerted effort being undertaken by the government to ban the Hells Angels and several other biker clubs. In Germany there's no such thing as free speech and freedom of association. Those things only apply if your activities are government-approved.
The Legalize Freedom patch is a great way to show support for your brothers in Germany. It's also a poignant reminder to those in this country of what is happening to our freedom. Sew one on your jacket or glue it to a backpack. Either way, get the message of freedom out.