I was browsing through the Ladies Patches at The Cheap Place when I ran across the Witch patch. This one measures 4" x 4" and features an ugly witch riding her broom and carrying a jack-o'-lantern. It's just what most of us would expect when we hear the term "witch". But after seeing it, I began to wonder what kind of woman would actually wear this patch. Would you have to be a Wiccan?
In case you don't know, Wicca is the official name for the "religion" of witches and warlocks. It's a legitimate practice with thousands of participants all across the country. So it would seem natural that if there were Wiccan bikers, this patch might be appropriate as part of their colors. Its small size means it's probably not ideal as a standalone back patch, but combined with a state rocker or something else, it could work. Otherwise, it would fit nicely on the front of a jacket or vest, a purse, or even attached to a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, or a backpack.
The nice thing about this patch is that it's cartoonish style makes it pretty non-offensive. Even if you're not a Wiccan, and you simply want to let the world know not to mess with you, this makes the statement in a funny sort of way. So it's the ideal patch for both witches and *itches... if you get my drift. By the way, you know who you are.