WTF is Going On?

WTF patchEver feel like screaming 'What the fuck is happening?!' when something bizarre happens?  Well, you certainly can, but you'll probably get some stares and maybe even get told to watch your language if you're out in public.  Fortunately, the internet and military slang have given us a great acronym that is more polite but still means the same: WTF.  It stands for What The Fuck, and while it started out as a way of avoiding swearing in online chat room and in emails, it's entered everyday language.  People often say WTF aloud to express their confusion and shock.

Since the horrible F-word isn't actually spoken aloud, WTF is much more acceptable in conversation and in public.  Of course, most people know exactly what it means, but even still, as long as the objectionable word isn't uttered, it's okay.  Of course, many people will say the whole phrase anyway just because they don't care who they offend.

Of course, WTF can stand for a lot of other things.  If you're wearing this WTF patch, you can always claim it's for something else if you don't want to explain it to someone.  Maybe you're a part of the World Taekwondo Federation.  Or perhaps you work for the Wikileaks Task Force, a division of the CIA charged with looking into Wikileaks.  You could always claim that WTF stands for Wisdom, Tenacity, and Focus, just like Vanilla Ice did for one of his albums.

Whatever you want to claim it means, just know that most people are going to read your WTF patch and know exactly what you're saying.

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