YOLO patchIf you're an older rider (i.e., if you're over about 25), you've probably overheard teens talking in what seems like some weird alien language.  They're throwing around terms like 'vacay' or 'YOLO' that don't really seem to make any sense at all.  While some of these words will, hopefully, vanish from the English language eventually, one of the ones that seems to be here to stay is YOLO.  This isn't actually a word, it's an acronym, and it's become a very popular one.  YOLO means You Only Live Once, and it's become the code of those who are about to do something stupid or who want to justify doing something that they probably shouldn't.

People use the idea of only living once as a justification to do whatever they feel like.  Since you only live once, you might as well get the most out of the experience, right?  Do dangerous or stupid things, be crazy, and do whatever you want!  While it's certainly not a great reason to go out and do something dangerous, the philosophy does have some truth to it: everyone only lives once, so you want to make sure you don't let anything hold you back from experiencing life to its fullest.

If you're a motorcycle rider, you probably already have embraced the idea of YOLO, and you might even have a YOLO patch on your jacket so others know it. Get out there on your bike and ride!  You only live once, after all, so you don't want to miss out on any great locations to ride.

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