You are Safe from the Zombies!

Zombies Eat Brains, You Are Safe patchWhen the zombie apocalypse comes, what can you do to keep safe?  Well, since everyone knows zombies eat brains, the best defense is to not be a tempting meal.  Stupid people might just escape!  This might not be a viable option for some zombies since some of them, like the ones from The Walking Dead, do more than just eat brains.  For those undead creatures who do just want brains, though, it seems like being dumb would certainly help keep you safe.  Of course, the downside is that the earth will then only be populated by starving zombies and idiots.  Some might say it already is!

If you want to let people know that you think they are pretty dumb, you can add patches like this Zombies Eat Brains, You Are Safe patch.  It tells people that you like zombies, but it also makes it clear that you might think they're pretty stupid, too.  What's nice about patches like this is that they let you call people dumb without really saying it.  Your friends will find the patch hilarious.  People who read it and have a sense of humor will, too.  Naturally, some people might not find it that funny, and a few may actually be insulted by it.

Those people who aren't that amused by this patch might be the ones the zombies will pass by.  After all, if you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have a lot of brains, either.  Too bad these might be the only people to survive!

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