You Can Always Change

God Allows U Turns PatchNot everyone goes down the right path in life.  In fact, some end up going down a very wrong path.  There are many things that can lead to this.  Drugs and alcohol abuse are certainly two of the main reasons people end up on the wrong path.  Some people just make poor choices as far as relationships go.  They end up being abused and feeling worthless.  Others can't seem to find the drive to hold a job for very long or to try to get ahead in life.  They bounce from job to job or are unemployed.  Some end up living on people's couches or even moving back in with their parents.

Many people who claim to be good, loving Christians believe that these people are worthless or simply can't ever change.  But anyone who truly understands the Bible knows that God is forgiving and believes that everyone can change.  As this motorcycle patch proclaims, God Allows U Turns.  Everyone can turn their lives around, especially if they want to.  All it takes is the will to change your life.  Anyone who says 'I'm tired of how my life is going.  I want to change' can make a U turn and make things better.  But before that can happen, they have to make the conscious decision to change the path they're on.  Then they have to follow through with it.

If you've realized you're going down the wrong path, make a U turn.  It's not too late to change.

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