Product reviews Store reviews
Verified BuyerWe were very happy with the patch. My husband is part of the Healing Waters Project in Bend Oregon. Hook and Hackle supplied the veterans with rod blanks to create their own personalized fishing rod. Rod used this patch to also customize the bag that he carries the new rod in to honor his Vietnam service and the Healing Waters Project. Thank you for a great product.
Verified BuyerI love each of the patches I have ordered from you. I am doing a special thank you for my husband and have used them on the wood plaques. My only issue is that the moment the laquer touches the patch, it darkens the areas where the laquer soaks into the patch. This meant re-ordering the same patches and placing them on the wood after the laquer dries. A minor inconvenience. The quality of each of these patches far outweigh any issues I have. I love your product and will continue using them in my wood projects in the future. If there is a way you can somehow seal a patch, I would love to hear more about that!
Thank you for this site!
Verified BuyerRe-ordered my American By Choice patch due to it coming to me as 'Marine By Choice,' and not 'Soldier By Choice.' Called and was immediately sent the correct patch! Top notch Customer Service!!! Love your patches and love how helpful you were! Thank you correcting this error so quickly. Your products are amazing and I cannot wait to do more projects using your patches! Only wish I could've put a picture of my project to show you the many things you can do with your patches. I absolutely love your site and look forward to ordering from you again.